Sunday, December 28, 2008

BOOKS | Your Best Crime Reads in 2008

Just passing the news.

Kerrie from Mysteries in Paradise is asking for Your Best Crime Reads in 2008:

  1. it is about crime fiction you've read in 2008. Year of publication doesn't matter.
  2. about 10 titles in the format of title, author (no need for description etc).
  3. any order will do. If you think one was so much better than the others, you might like to put it in your list twice.
  4. You have until Jan 4 to do it.
  5. You can help on your own blog by writing about what I am doing and pointing people to this post, so they can come here and contribute their list.

I wish I could contribute, but my reading for 2008 is a little sparse. But if you have something similar, please drop your list on a comment here.

I am curious to see what people come up with.

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